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Irish Coffee Recipe | Finegan Brothers x Grace O'Malley Spirits

Writer's picture: Finegan Brothers Finegan Brothers

We really enjoyed this one!

Delighted to team up with Grace O'Malley Spirits to create a Christmas Favourite.

Finegan Brothers Irish coffee.

35ml Grace O'Malley Whiskey 90ml Finegan Brothers Signature Blend 10ml Organic Honey 35ml Fresh Whipped Cream 1 x Cinnamon Stick Topped with Nutmeg

"Turn on Christmas songs and have fire lit"

Firstly, prepare your ingredients and warm your glass with warm water. Lightly whip some cream with a fork just so it’s very slightly thickened & aerated, then set aside until your coffee is ready.


Empty the water from your glass, add honey, whiskey & Cinnamon stick - Stir. Pour the hot coffee into the mix and stir until all combined. Gently float the cream on the top using the back of a soup spoon and sprinkle the nutmeg over the cream. Serve hot.

Enjoy with a mince pie, we recommend Thelmas treats from Trim!

Josh & Fiachra

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