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How Covid-19 helped shape our business

Updated: Dec 5, 2020

Covid-19 has had a profound affect on Irish life, more often than not people are forced to distance themselves from the ones they love to keep them safe. However, Covid-19 has also had reverse adverse affect of reuniting families and bringing people closer together. Although difficult to see now Covid-19 has brought opportunity, triumphs and well being.

Josh had just started a new career path in the tech sales industry, while Fiachra had just graduated from engineering - hoping to go on a J1 to San Diego. Both plans subsequently came crashing down when Covid-19 hit. Both of us were forced to move home, for the foreseeable future - which gave us a chance to reconnect with each other on a deeper level. We suddenly had all the free time in the world, in this environment idea's and creativity seem to flourish. Over many strong coffee's and kitchen table talk an idea was born. We had always been passionate about coffee and had spoken at length about starting our own business once 'The time was right'. This period of uncertainty gave us the perfect opportunity to work late nights and weekends on something we had always dreamed of - Starting a coffee business.

Covid-19 was a waiting period , used by us to learn, create and commercialize our very own blend of coffee. As the world held its breath over covid-19 we had the chance to organize our supply chain, logistics and design our website from scratch. Once the time came - we launched in late July of this year, and the rest is history. Our mission is empowered by our philosophy 'Good Vibes | Great coffee'. We try use our position to promote positive attitudes and relationships by fundraising for mental health charities through the Movemeber foundation, and have an ultra marathon in the pipeline for next year to also raise funds for charity.

Covid-19 was extremely tough on all of us in the Finegan household, but it gave us the opportunity to work on something we are truly passionate about. In a strange sense, we are grateful for the last few months. The impact of covid-19 has bought us opportunity and also reconnected us as a family. (I say family because for a small Irish business it is truly all hands on deck).

All the best,

Josh & Fiachra.

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